
The Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta (AECEA) is a non-profit, member-based society comprising early childhood educators, out of school care staff, child care staff/contractors, post-secondary ELCC students and faculty members, and other groups and individuals who support the goals of AECEA. Born out of the Alberta Child Care Network Association and the Early Childhood Professional Association of Alberta in 1987, AECEA works hard to amplify the voice of the early learning and child care workforce in Alberta. A proud affiliate member of the Canadian Child Care Federationits goal is to transform Alberta's early learning and child care workforce into a recognized profession.

Before the age of six, the majority of Alberta children will spend time in some form of non-parental care. This makes early learning and child care, and its workforce, an important topic of discussion and area of investment for our society. AECEA wants to see early childhood educators empowered to deliver high-quality services, and given the supports to do so, for children ages 0-12 in Alberta. AECEA advocates on members’ behalf to ensure the ECE workforce is a priority in all decisions related to early learning and care, including system building, funding, education, ongoing professional learning, wages, and supports. AECEA continues to communicate with municipal, provincial, and federal governments on issues important to the early learning and child care workforce.