ECE Professionals

The Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta (AECEA) believes that early childhood educators (ECEs) play a critical role in the delivery of high-quality early learning and child care and that they need to be well-educated, supported and compensated to enable them to undertake that work. These individuals bring a diverse range of social, cultural and linguistic perspectives to that work and research also highlights the need for ECEs to have core competencies in the following areas:

  • how to care ethically (children, families, other staff & self)
  • foundational knowledge of how young children learn and develop for an early years' pedagogy based on play
  • able to support children with diverse abilities
  • able to work alongside and communicate with families
  • work with evidence-based curricular resources
  • communicate within a democratic community
  • understand how to link research to practice and policy.

AECEA would like to see all ECEs have foundational knowledge in early learning and child care, be engaged in ongoing professional learning and reflective practice and help to build a culture of learning that supports this. AECEA will continue to advocate to ensure ECEs are valued and respected for the complex and demanding nature of their important work with our youngest citizens and their families.

Alberta Early Childhood Educator Occupational Profile - Alberta government Information on expected wages, hiring outlook, demand, and educational requirements for ECEs in Alberta.