Important Documents

There is a broad consensus among researchers, organizations and policy makers that the quality of early learning and child care, and ultimately the outcomes for children and their families, depends on well-educated and competent staff who are supported and working within a competent system.

Important Documents (Alberta/Canada)

ECE Wage Grid Recommendations (Feb 2023) - A compensation framework review for the development of a target values-based wage grid for early childhood educators in Alberta

Roadmap to a Quality Early Learning and Child Care System in Alberta (Nov 2021) - The ‘Roadmap to a Quality Early Learning and Child Care System in Alberta’ is a collaborative effort of the Canadian Child Care Federation and its Alberta Leaders’ Caucus, Child Care Now and its Alberta Chapter, the YMCA of Northern Alberta and the Muttart Foundation.

AECEA Position Paper on Legislative Change (Feb 2020) - The upcoming review of Alberta’s child care licensing legislation provides an opportunity for positive change. Legislating higher qualification standards and supports for early childhood educators can help to build an effective, high-quality early learning and child care system that gives Alberta’s children the best possible start in life.

AECEA Qualified Educators, Quality Care (May 2018) - AECEA believes a qualified workforce is the foundation for a high-quality child care system. This document defines AECEA’s role, value, and authority within this system. It summarizes the association’s history and operations and outlines its vision, mission, and goals. It describes the association’s efforts and accomplishments in five key areas of its work on behalf of Alberta’s early childhood educators. Over the long term, AECEA’s mission is to transform Alberta’s early learning and child care workforce into a profession. This document outlines AECEA’s ten-point plan for realizing this goal.

CCCF 2024 Vision for Child Care in Canada - We envision an equitably funded Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) system that provides culturally affirming environments and curriculum for all children to flourish wherever they live in Canada. At the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF), we stand committed to work collectively towards a Canada where every child receives high quality Early Learning and Care, irrespective of family type, parental employment and income.

Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada 2021 (Apr 2023) Alberta

More Than a New Course: A Framework for Embedding Outdoor and Land-based Pedagogies in Post-Secondary ECE Programs - A new report from the Lawson Foundation provides guidelines to help integrate Outdoor and Land-based teaching and learning in post-secondary early childhood education (ECE) programs across Canada, aiming to get faculty, students, and ultimately children outdoors and connected to nature and the Land.

Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework - Federal, Provincial and Territorial (Jun 2017) - this Framework sets the foundation for governments to work toward a shared long term vision where all children can experience the enriching environment of quality early learning and child care that supports children’s development to reach their full potential.

Shared framework for building an early childhood education and care (ECEC) system for all (Jan 2016) - a shared vision anchored in an evidence-based framework for federal, provincial and territorial governments to use in the building of equitable early childhood education and care (ECEC) for all.

The Citizen's Guide to the Alberta Legislature

Advancing the Educational Preparation and Professional Development of Alberta's Early Learning and Care Workforce (Nov 2015) - The Muttart Foundation (also offers other discussion papers related to ELCC)

Financing Early Learning and Child Care in Canada (Nov 2004) - a discussion paper by Gordon Cleveland and Michael Krashinsky.

Strategies to Improve the Total Compensation and Working Conditions of Certified Early Childhood Educators in Alberta (October 2024) - This report, prepared by The Muttart Foundation, in partnership with the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta and the Alberta Early Learning and Care Leaders’ Caucus within the Canadian Child Care Federation, presents findings from focus group discussions with early childhood educators, held in fall 2023. It considers the current working conditions, compensation and benefits available to early childhood educators and identifies critical areas for improvement to better support their work with young children.

Research & Releases from Other Provinces

ECEBC Wage Grid Report - "Report findings confirm that a competitive, publicly funded provincial wage grid not only raises wages, but provides consistency and recognition of the essential and valuable work of ECEs."