Job Postings
To create a job posting, go here.
The Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta (AECEA) offers a free-of-charge job posting service and we do not perform background checks on applicants, nor do we research the integrity of each organization or individual who posts a job with us.
Employers and job seekers are urged to perform due diligence when offering, applying for, or accepting private employment by requesting from each other references or any additional information needed to establish qualifications and credentials so as to ensure an overall fit between employer and job seeker.
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR (LEVEL 3) with experience working in an afterschool program.
Posting End Date: 2025-04-03
Fulton Afterschool Association
$19-20 per hr
Level 3 Early Childhood Educator
Early Childhood Educator (ECE Level 3) with Flight Curriculum Experience
Posting End Date: 2025-04-03
Fulton Child Care Association
$ 19-20 per hour
Level 3 Early Childhood Educator