Professional or Student Membership

Become a Member

Professional or Student Memberships - Yearly
$131.25/year for professional membership
$52.50/year for student membership


Professional Memberships

Professional members are Alberta-certified early childhood educators (ECEs) and post-secondary educators who work in the field of early learning and child care. This category also includes staff and contractors who work for, or in support of, licensed child care programs and approved family day home agencies.

We offer yearly memberships, as well as monthly instalment memberships.

Professional Membership - Monthly
$11.29/month for professional membership


Student Memberships

Student members are enrolled in post-secondary early learning and child care (ELCC) programs in Alberta. Students in leadership, management, human resources, and other programs related to ELCC are also eligible for AECEA membership. Membership is free for full-time ELCC students enrolled at publicly funded post-secondary institutions.

Benefits for Professional and Student Members

Professional and student members enjoy the following benefits:

  • the opportunity to contribute to AECEA’s advocacy for accessible, affordable, high-quality child care delivered by a respected, well-compensated professional ELCC workforce
  • a monthly e-newsletter, Networking News, that includes updates on AECEA’s activities, information about professional learning opportunities and events, links to the latest research and inspirational stories from the field
  • discounts on AECEA-sponsored workshops and events (including the popular annual conference, which is usually sold out)
  • reduced fees for selected educational and professional learning offerings sponsored by AECEA’s partners
  • access to a group health benefits plan (available to professional and student members whose employers are AECEA associate members)
  • reduced membership fees for professional members whose employers participate in AECEA’s group health benefits plan
  • AECEA’s support and organizational backing to empower personal advocacy for the recognition of ECEs as well-qualified, well-compensated professionals
  • opportunities to develop leadership skills and make a difference by getting involved in the association
  • free affiliate membership in the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF), which is a cost saving of $65
    • CCCF affiliate membership includes discounts on books and resources, weekly email updates and access to the federation’s members-only quarterly journal
  • 15% off Imagine Institute for Learning (formerly ECDSS) workshops
  • 20% off personal tax returns through UFile
  • Up to 30% off home and auto insurance through The Co-Operators
  • 30% off yearly Institute of Child Psychology membership
  • Free Scholars Choice membership
  • NEW! Access to Hub Digital Marketplace