Information for ECEs

Children learn and thrive in early learning and child care programs. Early childhood educators engage with children and their families on a daily basis, often over years. Through consistent engagement with families, educators have the opportunity to positively influence child and family well-being.

Early childhood educator evidence-based practice is guided by sound foundational knowledge of child development, play-based learning, child well-being, healthy nutrition and physical activity environments, meaningful routines, and an understanding of various family dynamics. Educators view children as competent and capable beings and facilitate positive learning dispositions. Educators plan and carry out well-designed learning experiences based on their essential early learning and care knowledge. Learning environments are inspired by keen observation and reflection based on the uniqueness of each child and their family.

In order to better support early childhood educators to deliver high-quality early learning and child care, the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta offers a range of research, resources and tools to help inform your practice, increase your knowledge and help empower you to participate in important policy discussion related to your field. Below, you can find early learning and child care-related resources in Alberta.