Who We Are

As a non-profit society, the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta (AECEA) is governed by a Board of Directors, elected by its member base, with terms lasting for one to three years. The board oversees the day-to-day operations of AECEA and its strategic direction, working in collaboration with staff members and community stakeholders to strengthen and support the early learning child care workforce in Alberta. Board members have a responsibility to foster the continued growth and development of the early learning and child care workforce, complete with a competent system of high-quality early learning and child care for its members. 

The Board of Directors typically recruits new board members on a yearly basis. A call for nominations is made prior to its Annual General Meeting in September. AECEA seeks to balance the geographic representation on its board and solicit specific professional skill sets in potential nominees based on current organizational needs.

Board members must be voting members of AECEA, have the ability to think at a systems level, work collaboratively, have a desire to strengthen and support the broader early learning and child care community, and have the time to devote to a working board. AECEA provides board members with an opportunity to network with other professionals and gain experience and knowledge in areas such as leadership, finance, policy development, and board development.

Our Staff

Ayan Ali (she/her)
Administrative Assistant

Chloe Burrows (she/her)
Administrative Assistant

Madeline Kleinfeld (she/her)
Membership & Community Engagement Coordinator

Laura Pratt (she/her)
Program Coordinator

Mary-Frances Smith (she/her)
Executive Director

Special Advisors

Nicki Dublenko

Tami Magnes

Our Board of Directors

 Amanda Rosset

Amanda Rosset


Carolyn Parkes

Carolyn Parkes


Annalise Yuzda

Annalise Yuzda


Tami Vick

Tami Vick


Shirley Rempel

Shirley Rempel


Stephanie Short

Stephanie Short


Letitia Gole

Letitia Gole


Kathryn Cooper

Kathryn Cooper


Previous Board Members

AECEA is grateful for the scores of board members who have served the association over the years. These people have added so much value to the association through their many hours of volunteer time and invaluable expertise. Their contributions are valued and celebrated as their legacy lives on.

Andria McCrae Angela Pottier Anya Dodd
Aparna Mahay Brenda Jones Brenda Sauve
Carol Langner Carol Sullivan Cheryl Joynt
Chris Eckenswiller Christie Scarlett Christina Pickles
Dana Soare Darrell Giraldeau Dawn Eagles
Deb Mytruk Debi Pagee Deirdre Leighton
Diane McKean Donna Morrison Dorothy Commandeur
Elizabeth Simmons Enola Nygren Gail Moulder
Gillian Richards Heidi Flaman Jennifer Grant
Jennifer Usher Jessica Chiu Joanne Baxter
Joanne Keilty Jolene Des Roches Judy Smith
Judy White Karen Sanderson Karla Green
Kim Gravel Kim Meyer-Lucas Krissa O’Reilly
Kyla Semotiuk Lesley Cressman Line Marie Perron
Loralie Latour Louise Booker Louise Sheppard
Lynsey Anderson Manna Middleton Margaret Golberg
Maria Valenti Marietta Stephen Marilyn Boivert
Marlene Alcon Kepka Mary Stewart Maryann Farebrother
Micheal Leong-Machieise Nicki Dublenko Noreen Murphy
Paige Valgardson Parminder Delhon Patricia MacDonald
Paxton Bruce Penny Deeter Rosetta Sanders
Sandra Friesen-Peters Sharon Ness Sherrill Brown
Sherry Chichenko Sherry Fowler Staci Brown
Stella Robb Stephanie Fisher-Dortman Sunita Khandelwal
Susan Elson Susan Garrow-Oliver Tanya Szarko
Toni LaChance Traudi Kelm Wendy Hansen
Whitney Stevens   Marilyn Armstrong Tamara Ford