2025 AECEA Dr. Sherrill Brown Award of Distinction Guidelines

In recognition of outstanding historical contributions to the Alberta Early Learning and Child Care Community, the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta (AECEA) is pleased to present the 
2025 AECEA Dr. Sherrill Brown Award of Distinction!

Selection Criteria

Award recipients must have made outstanding contributions in one or more of the following areas over a minimum of 10 years commitment to the field of Early Childhood:

  • Involvement with the Early Learning and Child Care Community
    • The nomination should describe and provide evidence of the nominee's involvement and/or impact with families, and the Early Learning and Child Care community, both locally and provincially.
  • Commitment to the Field
    • The nomination should describe and provide evidence of the nominee's ongoing commitment to improve the Early Learning and Child Care profession historically and enhance the abilities of others in the field.
  • Innovation
    • The nomination should describe and provide evidence of the nominee's understanding of sector trends and issues responding with creative approaches to support and advance quality child care; locally, provincially and/or federally.
  • Professional Excellence
    • The nomination should describe and provide evidence of the nominee's career advancement and partnerships that demonstrate leadership and advocacy in education and quality both locally and provincially.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, all nominees for the Dr. Sherrill Brown Award must meet these requirements: 

  • Must hold a current AECEA professional membership
  • Nominee's involvement in the early learning and child care community must be within the province of Alberta. 
  • Must have contributed as a leader with Alberta's child care community over a significant period of time (10-year minimum) 
  • Must have demonstrated professional excellence in one or more of the following areas:
    • Leading practice 
    • Awareness, advancement & promotion
    • Partnership
    • Research
    • Leadership
    • Education 


The AECEA Award of Distinction will be administered to the following guidelines and nominees must comply with these guidelines. Nominees will be deemed to have read and understood the requirements if they participate in the awards nomination process. 

  • Nominations can be made by individuals who are:
    • a resident of Alberta;
    • 18 years of age or older; and
    • not related to the nominee.
  • Nominators must be any person or group with direct knowledge of the nominee's contribution to the field.
  • Nominations, including all supporting material, become the property of AECEA and will not be returned. 
  • Nominations that are incomplete or do not comply with these guidelines may be disqualified. AECEA takes no responsibility for incomplete, inaccurate, lost, or late nominations. 
  • Individuals may nominate an Albertan on their own behalf or on behalf of an Alberta-based organization, agency, government office, business or group.
  • Nominations cannot be submitted without the digital consent of the nominee.
  • Selection and publicity about the award recipient will be conducted in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information about the nominators and nominees is collected for the sole purpose of administering the award. 
  • By digitally signing the nomination form, each nominator and nominee:
    • agrees to abide by the guidelines that govern the Award of Distinction;
    • consents to having their photograph taken for awards-related publicity purposes;
    • consents to the use of their name, community, photograph, and nomination material in any award-related publicity carried out by the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta; and
    • consents to participating in the award-related activities and functions, including the award ceremony, in the event they are chosen as the award recipient.
  • Decisions made by the Award Selection Committee are final.

Selection Process

Award recipients are chosen by the 2025 Award Selection Committee, composed of representation from the AECEA Board Members. 

How to Apply

Fill out the AECEA Dr. Sherrill Brown Award of Distinction Nomination Form and ensure you have the following supporting documents prepared to attach to the form. 

  • The nominator will write a 1-2 page letter outlining the achievements of the nominee related to the selection criteria
  • The nominator will collect 2-3 letters of support which highlight the achievements of the nominee
  • The nominator will acquire the nominee's most current resume showing total years in the field.

*Letters and resume must demonstrate supporting evidence of how the nominee’s achievements align with the award selection criteria.*

Deadline for nominations is Friday, April 4, 2025, at 11:59 pm.

All nominators and nominees will receive an email confirming their nomination was received. Award recipients and their successful nominators will be contacted when selected. Please ensure that all spelling is correct on the form. 

Please note, the nomination form will not be accepted in any other format than the nomination form on the website; no emailed, mailed, or faxed nominations will be considered. The nomination form must be consented to by both the nominee and the nominator.

If you have any questions, call or email the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta: 
Phone: (780) 421-7544 
Toll-free: 1 (877) 421-9937 
Email: awardscommittee@aecea.ca