CCCF 2024 Vision for Child Care in Canada

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On May 21, 2024, the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF) unveiled the CCCF 2024 Vision for Child Care in Canada. Below is their announcement:

As passionate believers in children, their rights and well-being, we have collectively and thoughtfully crafted a Vision that outlines the path towards high-quality child care across Canada. This Vision paper represents our organization's dedication and collective commitment to shaping a brighter future for generations to come. See it here on our CCCF Website where you can also download the PDF version.


At the core of our Vision lies a steadfast commitment to children, upholding their rights and ensuring that every child in Canada has access to high-quality early learning and child care. Central to this vision are the early childhood educators (ECEs) who tirelessly dedicate themselves to nurturing and shaping the minds of our youngest learners.

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ECE Video Vignettes: To further amplify the voices of those at the forefront of quality child care, we've included our CCCF video shorts in our Vision document featuring Early Childhood Educators speaking from their hearts about why they need to be valued, recognized, and competitively compensated for their invaluable work. These powerful testimonials shed light on the passion, dedication, and expertise that Early Childhood Educators bring to their roles every day.

Here's how our Vision intertwines the principles of Children's Rights with the pivotal role of ECEs:

  1. Children's Rights Perspective: Our Vision for quality early learning and child care is firmly grounded in children's rights. We believe that every child has the right to access safe, nurturing, and enriching environments that support their optimum development. 
  2. Stakeholder/Affiliate Engagement: We've engaged with various stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, and child care providers, to ensure that our Vision reflects diverse perspectives and voices.
  3. Child Care Landscape: We've delved into the current landscape of child care in Canada, examining its strengths, weaknesses, and untapped potentials.
  4. Empowering ECEs: ECEs are the heart of quality child care, embodying the principles of children's rights through their daily interactions and practices. Our Vision recognizes the indispensable role of ECEs in creating supportive, inclusive, and responsive environments where children can thrive. We highlight initiatives that empower ECEs to uphold children's rights, equipping them with the resources, training, and support they need to fulfill their vital mission.
  5. Collaborative Approach: Advancing quality child care requires a collective effort involving ECEs, policymakers, educators, families, and communities. Our Vision underscores the importance of collaboration and partnership in advancing quality child care practices that prioritize children's well-being. By working together, we can build a more just and equitable society where every child's rights are upheld and respected.

Read more on the CCCF website here

