Creating a system starts with defining what we believe.
Do we value children and families? Do we respect children’s right to quality child care and a good start in life? Do we value children for who they are? Do we believe that every action we take must be in a child’s best interest?
How we build our system reflects our beliefs.
AECEA believes that all children and their families deserve and have a right to accessible, affordable, high-quality early learning and child care.
We believe that high-quality early learning and child care is the cornerstone of a caring, thriving society. It is a public good that must be supported by public investment.
We believe that high-quality early learning and child care depends on highly qualified early childhood educators who—like all Albertans—deserve fair wages, satisfying work and supportive working conditions.
We believe that all Albertans have a stake in high-quality child care. Parents, families, communities, businesses, service agencies, governments and the public share responsibility for giving the children of our province the best possible early learning and child care experiences.
What we believe is translated into a vision, values and guiding principles for the quality early learning and child care system that is our goal. AECEA supports the vision of Canada’s Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework:
“All children can experience the enriching environment of quality early learning and child care that supports children’s development to reach their full potential.”
The values and guiding principles that guide early childhood educators’ approach to children’s learning and care are set out in Alberta’s curriculum framework, Flight.