Professional Learning

The Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta (AECEA) strongly believes that supporting early childhood educators (ECEs) to participate in ongoing professional learning is integral to high-quality practice and better outcomes for children and their families. Professional learning takes a variety of forms—post-secondary education, workshops, conferences, and professional learning communities. ECEs are able to gain foundational knowledge and strengthen competencies in areas such as child development, management and leadership and/or keep abreast of the latest research and best practice. Relevant and well-planned professional learning inspires and can motivate ECEs in the demanding, complex work they do each day. ECEs who participate in ongoing professional learning tend to stay within the field and are better equipped to co-learn with children, other professionals and the families they work alongside.

One of AECEA's objectives is to make visible and advocate for AECEA's Professional Learning Framework, a ten-point plan to advance the professional learning of the early learning and care workforce to help ensure high quality services in the province.