Outdoor Play Training

Building capacity - specialized outdoor play training to empower children's experiences 

This course will add to your knowledge and skills about how the outdoor environment and adults each influence children’s depth of outdoor play and the levels of problem-solving and critical thinking they embark upon outdoors.

By completing the 12 learning modules, you will gain new skills in designing outdoor play environments, supporting children’s outdoor play desires and facilitating child-centred outdoor play programming. You will be encouraged to think about, reflect upon and engage with children in providing outdoor play experiences that expose them to the various facets of outdoor play and environments, including exploratory, non-structured, and open-ended outdoor play opportunities. Children with increased freedom to explore, connect with their environments, and engage in play that is meaningful to them become happy, healthy children – this is foundational to academic and life-long experiential learning.

The fall session will run from October 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023. You may complete your work at your own pace, at your convenience,  during this time frame. Outdoor Play Training Online offers 45 hours of professional development in 12 modules. Certificate available upon completion.

CCCF members receive a special $25 discount on this training. All AECEA members have a free CCCF membership.

For more information and to see available training, click here.