What is at stake in the federal election on September 20th election? A Canada-wide child care system, which we have long supported and worked for.
The ELCC funding agreements signed to date—in BC, NL, Yukon, QC, NS, PEI, MB and SK—are hanging in the balance. Make no mistake, just because your province/territory has signed an agreement DOES NOT MEAN that it will be honoured. We could lose it all.
What happens on September 20th will impact the future of ELCC–your future and that of Canadian families and children.
The commitments among the party platforms are significantly different:
Three parties—Greens, Liberals and NDP—have committed to continuing the Canada-wide ELCC system building that was announced in the Federal Budget 2021 (funding of over $30B). The Conservative Party of Canada has taken a different route, proposing a tax credit for families and discontinuing funding and building the Canada-wide ELCC system. The Peoples Party makes no mention of child care.
These are very different visions for Early Learning and Child Care in Canada.
Not all the platforms include you—the ELCC workforce—or mention spaces for families, quality child care for children or Indigenous child care.
The choices Canadians make in the 2021 election will have an impact on how ELCC services in much of Canada are organized, financed and delivered and will shape the wages and working conditions of ECEs and providers for years to come.
(Click image to download summary)
Head to the CCCF website for more resources > https://cccf-fcsge.ca/ece/news/election-2021-resources-most-important-election-child-care/