June 17, 2024 Stakeholder Telephone Town Hall - Focus on ECEs

On Monday, June 17, 2024, Minister Jones of Jobs, Economy and Trade (JET: the new Ministry overseeing child care) hosted a town hall for the early learning and child care (ELCC) sector. We compiled some topics of interest from that meeting for Alberta early childhood educators (ECEs) and when this information was sent on June 24 to members and June 28 to non-members, we asked for comments to be sent to us so that we could share them at our regularly scheduled meeting with Minister Jones and ministry staff. Thank you to everyone who sent a comment, they have all been shared with the ministry. 

The topics of interest and themes from the comments received can be seen by clicking the button below.


AECEA remains committed to working with the Ministry on a comprehensive workforce strategy to achieve our vision where well-qualified, well-compensated early childhood educators are respected as professionals, valued for their important work, and supported in providing high-quality child care for Alberta’s children and families.
